container-home +++ sustainability +++ self-sufficiency +++ Absolutely Intercultural 241 +++

In this show, we will find out what life in a container home in the most spectacular countryside in Queensland is like. We will discover how an industrial container from Hamburg has become the home for two Germans, Uwe Terton (lecturer at the University of the Sunshine Coast) and Katrin Terton (media artist). They have chosen a very simple and sustainable lifestyle, free from water or electricity bills, far from the busy and “stressful” life in the modern cities. Dr. Uwe Terton, our guest in this show, will share  the details of his decision to live in a minimalistic life, up on the hill with a stunning 360° view.

First, Uwe will explain the details of the fauna and flora around the container-home. In the second part, we will go inside the container and we will discover how to use smart ideas to live comfortably but in a sustainable way. And finally we learn how the couple used recycled materials in the construction of the container-home.

absolutely compact
In our first category “absolutely compact”, Uwe will explain how for the first four months he and his wife had to live in a tiny little caravan from the 1970’s until their container-home was ready to move into.

absolutely self-sufficient
In the second category “absolutely self-sufficient”, Uwe will give us a guided tour of the inside of the container home and we learn about some simple but smart ideas about saving water and energy and how he adopted a smart system of ventilation.

absolutely recycled
In our third category, “absolutely recycled”, Uwe will share how he used second-hand materials in the construction of the container-house in order to give those used materials a second life.

Thank you all who joined us for today’s show. If you liked our show, please like us on Facebook, too. By the way, did you know that we are also on iTunes? You can subscribe to us there for free and give us a rating and a comment. We would appreciate that!

Our next show will be coming to you from Anne Fox in Denmark on 6th September 2019.

Until then –

Bleiben Sie absolut interkulturell!

The host of this show is: Dr. Laurent Borgmann

Editor: Mariane Castro




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