Absolutely Intercultural 221 +++ before Erasmus +++ study abroad experiences +++ stereotypes +++

Hello and welcome to show 221 of our podcast “absolutely intercultural” which is the fourth of series of “Erasmus 30” podcasts to celebrate and highlight the 30th anniversary of the most successful of all student exchange programs. In this episode, our two lecturers will share their exchange experiences and stories about their studies abroad. How did teaching in Germany under the Erasmus mobility program benefit a lecturer’s research activities and his academic life? Then we will listen to a lecturer from RheinahrCampus, he will talk about how he studied abroad two decades ago. Was it more difficult to arrange than an exchange semester today? What were the required documents in the past and now? And finally, we will look at the differences in student lives in different countries.

absolutely surprised
Listen to our guest Professor Scott Henderson, from Canada who talks about his teaching assignment in Germany. Why did he choose Germany for teaching abroad? Does he notice any differences between German and Canadian students’ behavior in class? Are the stereotypes about German the students true – are they really all punctual?

absolutely complex
Andreas Faulstich from RheinAhrCampus shares his study abroad experience which he made a long time ago in Scotland. How did he organize his stay? He tells us about all the documents which were needed at the time and how he kept in touch with his family and friends back home.

absolutely unbelievable
In our last category, we are coming back to Scott who speaks about his study abroad experience in the UK and his first student exchange experience in Germany as a student, where he could not believe how different German student life could be from that in Canada

Thank you all who joined us for today’s show. Please check out our website at absolutely-intercultural.com. Here you can get more information about this and previous episodes. And if you liked our show, please like us on Facebook, too.

Our next show will be coming to you from RheinAhrCampus on 5 January

Until then –

Bleiben Sie absolut interkulturell!

The host of this show is: Dr. Laurent Borgmann
Editors: Marina Jimenez Martin and Zarnura Hajiyeva




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