The focus of today’s show is on storytelling and we hear from students and how they have used story telling in different situations including in work and at university. We also hear from an exchange student from Pakistan and learn about some of the cultural differences between Germany and Pakistan.
absolutely influential
We have grown up with stories all around us. I’m sure you can all remember that one person at school who was always really good at telling stories and had the attention of everyone in the room and left you begging for more? Well on today’s show we hear how students from the RheinAhrCampus utilize story telling in various everyday aspects of their lives. I had the opportunity to speak with Franziska Lang, who explains how in her classes storytelling is used as a method of teaching to encourage students to plan their own internationalisation.
absolutely attractive
I speak with Crispin Becher who had a booth at our International Day at the University. Crispin was representing the German-Canadian association. He was advertising Canada to the new students and using his stories from abroad to entice others to take on an exchange semester there. On the show he talks about how he managed to attract attention to his booth as well as why storytelling would be beneficial for his future career.
absolutely eye-opening
Then I interviewed Amama Farooq who is from Pakistan. She studied in Turkey and is now an ERASMUS exchange student in Germany and talks about the differences between the two cultures and her learning journey towards understanding a new culture.
absolutely improved
I speak with Tatjana Lietz who is a student in the International Business Simulations course at the university. For this course, the students work in a company to produce marketing videos. As a part of this course, the students organised a press conference to showcase their work. Tatjana speaks about how she used story telling to create an interesting and entertaining press conference.
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The host of this show is: Dr. Laurent Borgmann
Editor: Laura McGuire
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